
First Quality Country Sugar 1 kg

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Country sugar is a type of sugar (sucrose) that gains a brown color due to the presence of molasses. Brown sugar can either be commercially or naturally produced, with the former made by molasses being added to traditional white sugar, composing between 4% and 7% of the final product


Country sugar

is a type of sugar (sucrose) that gains a brown color due to the presence of molasses. Brown sugar can either be commercially or naturally produced, with the former made by molasses being added to traditional white sugar, composing between 4% and 7% of the final product.

Country Sugar More details

The average brown sugar contains about 5% molasses by weight. Many people think brown sugar and jaggery are the same, but in fact, this variety of sugar contains far fewer minerals than jaggery, the latter of which comes from cane sugar, or date palm sap. Brown sugar is generally healthier than white sugar due to the molasses.

Also called brown sugar, country sugar is the next form of palm candy or jaggery. Being completely natural, the country sugar was the major diet that was used by our grandparents for making various delicacies. 

Even though we get them in sticky and powdery consistency, they do have huge health benefits. Some of the major ones are 

Good For Pregnant Ladies

As we all know country sugar has a combination of various nutrients. At the time of pregnancy, women need good quantity and quality of food that is nutritious, and country sugar can be one of the major ingredients.

Best In Calcium 

It is quite rich in calcium. So, it helps in creating strong bones and muscles along with the consumption of milk.

Helps In Menstrual Cycle

PCOD (polycystic ovaries syndrome) has become a common disease now. Surprisingly, our ancestors never suffered from this issue as they had the regular diet of country sugar to help. The nutrients present in the country sugar can cure and even regulate the menstrual cycle.

Stress Reliever

Nowadays, stress has become a common and huge issue with many of us. Do you know that country sugar in Chennai is a great stress reliever? This can help to get rid of the stress by providing instant energy. 

Yummy Tummy

You would not be surprised to know that our ancestors not only used country sugar for nutrition but they even used it as a sweetener. When you add it to sweets, it would provide the correct sweetness taste and best satisfaction.

Kicks Of High Blood Pressure

Now stress and anger along with the uncommon diet would make our health and life pathetic. Using the country sugar, you can control your anger and stress. That would lower the blood pressure of your body and bring it to the normal value.

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